Find Clocks By Maker's Name
Search Hint: Individual's names are listed by their last name first.
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P"
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P"
- Jack, Robert (1)
- Jackson, William (1)
- Jacot, Hny (6)
- Jacque Joseph (1)
- Jacques, Charles (5)
- Jacquin, Louis (1)
- Jaeger (13)
- Jaeger-LeCoultre (100)
- Jaegler, F and Cie (1)
- Jahresuhrenfabrik (37)
- James Remind O Timer Co (1)
- Jameson, J (1)
- Jamison, Geo (1)
- Janetti (1)
- Jans (1)
- Jansen, FW Clock Co (2)
- Janvier, Antide (4)
- Japy Fils (2)
- Japy Freres et Cie (330)
- Jasser (1)
- Jauch, Gebrueder (1)
- JB (2)
- JC Brown and C Goodrich (1)
- Jeanperin (1)
- Jefferson Electric Co (12)
- Jennings Brothers Mfg Co (45)
- Jennings, Joseph (1)
- Jepson, William (1)
- Jerome and Co (151)
- Jerome and Darrow (49)
- Jerome and Grant (1)
- Jerome Clock Co (1)
- Jerome, Augustus Smith (1)
- Jerome, C and N (28)
- Jerome, Chauncey (215)
- Jerome, Gilbert, Grant and Co (8)
- Jerome, SB (6)
- Jerome, Thompson and Co (3)
- Jeromes and Darrow (1)
- Jeromes, Gilbert, Grant and Co (3)
- Jezek, Anton (1)
- JFCo (1)
- JFT (1)
- JLH (1)
- Joh Baptist Beha (1)
- Johansen, A and Co (1)
- Johns, Robert Co (3)
- Johnson (13)
- Johnson, Addison (1)
- Johnson, John (1)
- Johnson, Nels (1)
- Johnson, PR (1)
- Johnson, Wm S (34)
- Johnston, A (1)
- Johnstone Co (1)
- Joignerey (1)
- Jollet and Cie (1)
- Jolly, Gaston (1)
- Joly, Jean Francois (1)
- Jones and Frisbie (1)
- Jones, Abner (5)
- Jones, David (1)
- Jones, Edward E (1)
- Jones, George A (17)
- Jones, George W (2)
- Jones, Jacob (1)
- Joseph, Henry (2)
- Jourdain, William (1)
- Joyce (1)
- JTC (3)
- Judd, Henry (1)
- Jules (4)
- Julien, Henri (2)
- Jump and Sons (1)
- Junghans (414)
- Jura (1)
- Just Clock Co (3)
- Just, J and Sons (1)
- Juvena (2)
- Juvet and Co (5)
- JVE (1)
- JWB (1)