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Feb 20,2025
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Dating Antique Clocks Using Serial Numbers

Not all clocks have serial numbers marked on them. As a matter of fact, most clocks don't. However, there are a handfull of well known clock manufacturers that used serial numbers to designate the sequence of their clock production. If a clock has a serial number it is usually stamped on the back plate of the movement.

Listed below are manufacturers that used serial numbers. If you can find a serial number on your clock, you may be able to find the year in which it was made by . Click on the link to see the dating charts.

Atmos Clocks

Gustav Becker

Bulle Clocks

Chelsea Clock Company

Herschede Hall Clock Company

IBM/ITR Time Clocks

E. Ingraham Company

Japy Freres

Jean Vincenti & Co.
