C.1860, French, Japy Freres, Beaucourt, Brass Cased Carriage clock ,
time, strike, repeat, alarm AND center seconds. This clock has many early features. The movement is signed with one of Japy's earlier marks, an oval indicating the Grand Medal of Honour in 1855, and serial number 267 puts it at one of Japy's early attempts to capitalize on the growing interest in the portable clock market. It has a substantial lever platform, nicely engraved and with original gilding; there is a single butterfly antenna on the lever which makes it quite visually attractive. The one piece case is with engraving on all edges and on the rear cover (shuttered)Šthe rear photo washed out a bit, but there is attractive floral engravingŠ you can see that most of the gilding is worn away, but traces remain. The clock runs and strikes, but the whole movement is oily and would benefit from cleaning. Perfect dial and good glass. A very nice example from mid-19th century. Height 6" Modest reserve $1650
Clock types