C.1890, German, Thomas Haller, Schwenningen, 2-weight wall regulator
in walnut, Alt Deutsch style. The dial feet are a little loose in the dial plate and need some peening, and the cast brass base mount is a little bent; seconds hand replaced improperly. Otherwise, this is an exceptional clock, with incredible eye appeal, original finish, perfect dial, good hands, and old fish-eye glass in the door. The weights have been dropped and could stand replacing also, however, we encourage you to study the case details AND OF THE NEXT LOT ALSO. It is unusual for us to receive two clocks of the same model, and although there are minor trim differences, you could almost consider these a pair. Minor nicks and scrapes to moldings, but overall very good+ condition; old crank. Small dent in pendulum (not bad). Movement signed "TH", runs but needs fraying cord replaced. Height 65" Reserve $1600
Clock types