C.1790, German, Gottfried Seidler, in Leippa, a well made Grand Sonnerie, + calendar mantel clock of 1-week duration, with restorations.
This fellow must have apprenticed in Vienna as the workmanship on the movement is outstanding. The diameter of the movement is 15cm or 6 inches, and with very large springs, enclosed in stationary brass sleeves in the Viennesse style. The quarters +hours are struck on two separate bells, one a later French bell; note one cock screw is missing. The porcelain dial has center +perimeter repairs, and the hands are replacement Japanese school clock hands and need something better. The delicate case has been refinished with spray black, and the rear slip panel has been replaced with a plywood door. Retains original repoussandeacute; brass pendulum with tiny embossed cherubs. Most clocks from this time period run for only a day or 2 and it is unusual to find one with a large week movement. Height 20". A restorable 18th Century clock that would have been $1000 if original.
Clock types