Winterhalter & Hoffmeyer Hall Clock.
Large 8 day movement playing 8 bells or 4 gongs on the quarters and a large gong on the hours. 12 inch brass and silver dial with raised numerals, pierced and engraved, cast corners, hand painted moon wheel showing moons, marine view and landscape, just a little paint loss. Silver arch ring. Strike-Silent and Gong-Silent, levers on the edge of the dial. 3 large brass weights, brass pendulum ball, nickel steel pendulum rod. Running and striking but will no doubt need adjusting after transporting. Broken arch case style, 3 brass finials, 2 full turned columns with brass capitals and bases. Engraved around top, delicate scroll cutouts on the sides with cloth covering. Quarter columns in the center, key lock in the door, beveled panels in front, delicate feet. 94 inch mahogany case of heavy construction. Just under 8 feet making it an ideal size for most homes.
Clock types