Silver eight-day going, sapphire set, keyless, quarter repeating timepiece. Guebelin, Lucerne, made in the 1940's.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Guebelin, Lucerne, No. 1851, made in the 1940's. Very fine silver eight-day going, sapphire set, keyless, quarter repeating timepiece. C. Rectangular engine-turned with two lines of calibrated sapphires. D. Silver engine-turned with applied sapphire set indexes. Gold hands. M. Frosted and gilt, quarter repeating 19Ó', watch movement driven by a large going barrel fitted on the back, straight line lever escapement, cut bimetallic balance, Breguet balance spring. Repeating on gongs with push piece in the right side panel and fly regulator. Signed on the back door. Dim. 60 x 60 x 30.
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Gubelin and Co
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Silver eight-day going, sapphire set, keyless, quarter repeating timepiece. Guebelin, Lucerne, made in the 1940's. Guebelin, Lucerne, No. 1851, made in the 1940's. Very fine silver eight-day going, sapphire set, keyless, quarter repeating timepiece. C. Rectangular engine-turned with two lines of calibrated sapphires. D. Silver engine-turned with applied sapphire set indexes. Gold hands. M. Frosted and gilt, quarter repeating 19Ó', watch movement driven by a large going barrel fitted on the back, straight line lever escapement, cut bimetallic balance, Breguet balance spring. Repeating on gongs with push piece in the right side panel and fly regulator. Signed on the back door. Dim. 60 x 60 x 30.
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