Winterhalter and Hoffmeyer double chain fusee, wall gallery clock. It is 8 day, gong strike on half hours, and runs really well.
The movement is signed, "W and H", and "F. Dencker, Hamburg". His name is also written (engraved) on the 9 inch brass dial. Numerals on the dial are etched and filled with black. I wish I could quit right here. There are two great cases, one inside the other. The original case housing the W and H movementis 6 inches thick, heavy mahogany round gallery. I wish I could explain whysomeone would go to the trouble to make, or put another clock case aroundthe outside of the round gallery. The outside case is 3 inches thickin places, very heavy, and not real attractive, to me. Now, the woodis beautiful, but the style I donÕt comprehend. If I donÕt sell theclock in this sale, I think I will remove the outer case and list the 12-1/2inch round gallery, with the W and H double fusee movement, in another catalog.The outside case is 20 inches high, 20 inches wide.
Clock types