Hamburg American walnut bracket clock in a fancy little case with shingled roof and a gable in front like a German or Swiss chalet.
Two labels inside the back door indicate the clock runs 14 days. One gives the catalog number as 3052 and serial number 5940; the second shows the crossed arrow trademark, HAC, 14 day strike, and made in Wurtemburg. Strikes on a cathedral gong. The 4 inch porcelain dial has no hairlines and the hands appear original. Brass bezel, sash, and inner dial. 14 day solid plate movement strikes the hours on a standing coiled gong. Gong has the trademark stamped. The movement is clean, runs and strikes, and is not signed, at least on the back plate. Walnut case is 15" high. After watching the clock run for several days I finally noticed that some brass trim may have been removed above and below the dial. Certainly not obvious and doesn't detract at all from this very nice small clock. It is exceptionally clean and ranks in the category of "keeper".
Clock types