C.1885, German, Winterhalder and Hofmeier, for the English trade, time and alarm, dial clock, retailed by Camerer, Kuss and Co., 186 Uxbridge Rd, Shepard's Bush, London W.
Anonymous (not verified)
22 October 2024
Condition: one of the nicer dial clock in this sale, this is a high quality item with a top quality, signed W+H movement. Note the alarm is set with the small 24 hour subsidiary circle below the main hands. The great advantage of this alarm is that it goes off once a day rather than twice as most mechanical alarms, and so long as the time portion has not stopped, you always know whether you are setting it for am or pm. There are actually 4 labels on this clock: 1 instructions + 1 Kuss inside, and one Kuss with a second over-paste on the rear. Height 14 inches
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Winterhalder and Hofmeier
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1885, German, Winterhalder and Hofmeier, for the English trade, time and alarm, dial clock, retailed by Camerer, Kuss and Co., 186 Uxbridge Rd, Shepard's Bush, London W. Condition: one of the nicer dial clock in this sale, this is a high quality item with a top quality, signed W+H movement. Note the alarm is set with the small 24 hour subsidiary circle below the main hands. The great advantage of this alarm is that it goes off once a day rather than twice as most mechanical alarms, and so long as the time portion has not stopped, you always know whether you are setting it for am or pm. There are actually 4 labels on this clock: 1 instructions + 1 Kuss inside, and one Kuss with a second over-paste on the rear. Height 14 inches
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