C.1860, German, Faller, Gutenbach, one weight, 8-day, Vienna Regulator, in a late Biedermeier or transitional style case with false rosewood graining.
Anonymous (not verified)
22 October 2024
Condition: This clock was imported in 1969, and has been in storage in California since that time. The movement is untouched, with original gut intact; will need cleaning. Serial number of movement is 17217. The porcelain dial, hands and pendulum are original and xlnt. No case stabilizers; pend rating assembly may be short. Height 47 inches
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1860, German, Faller, Gutenbach, one weight, 8-day, Vienna Regulator, in a late Biedermeier or transitional style case with false rosewood graining. Condition: This clock was imported in 1969, and has been in storage in California since that time. The movement is untouched, with original gut intact; will need cleaning. Serial number of movement is 17217. The porcelain dial, hands and pendulum are original and xlnt. No case stabilizers; pend rating assembly may be short. Height 47 inches
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