German, Gustav Becker, C.1907, 400 Day SKELETON CLOCK with original dome and base, serial No. 2,131,537
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
note John Hubby's research puts the actual date at 1910; anyone collecting Beckers should obtain a copy of Mr. Hubby's serial number article. This particular clock is excellent and original in every way and in running order. Suspension guard intact. Rear plate is marked with Becker award medallion logos. Find details on this model in Horolovar 400 Day Clock Repair Guide, 10th Ed, section 6, item 15; also see plate No. 1189. Serial No. on pendulum matches plate. Ht. 13.5"
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Gustav Becker, C.1907, 400 Day SKELETON CLOCK with original dome and base, serial No. 2,131,537 note John Hubby's research puts the actual date at 1910; anyone collecting Beckers should obtain a copy of Mr. Hubby's serial number article. This particular clock is excellent and original in every way and in running order. Suspension guard intact. Rear plate is marked with Becker award medallion logos. Find details on this model in Horolovar 400 Day Clock Repair Guide, 10th Ed, section 6, item 15; also see plate No. 1189. Serial No. on pendulum matches plate. Ht. 13.5"
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