German, Emilian Wehrle, Furtwangen, 8-pipe wall hanging flute clock, time, gong strike and musical tune, 3-weight, chain driven case of carved oak leaves, and with nest of birds at top.
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the large pine cone weight needs to be larger, as tune struggles to finish. Numerals on dial are replaced. Pendulum rod is original; bob restored. Lower splat restored. Carved bone hands are original, and the clock is otherwise in very good condition. Ticks robustly. Ht tip to tip 44"
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Wehrle, Emillian
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Emilian Wehrle, Furtwangen, 8-pipe wall hanging flute clock, time, gong strike and musical tune, 3-weight, chain driven case of carved oak leaves, and with nest of birds at top. the large pine cone weight needs to be larger, as tune struggles to finish. Numerals on dial are replaced. Pendulum rod is original; bob restored. Lower splat restored. Carved bone hands are original, and the clock is otherwise in very good condition. Ticks robustly. Ht tip to tip 44"
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