Winterhalder and Hofmeier, Neustadt, Baden, Germany, tall clock, retailed/ cased by Colonial Manufacturing Co., Zeeland, Mich. (signed on movement and on plaque inside of door) 8 day, 3-wt, quarter chime, Westminster tune on 5 tubes movement in Honduras
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
original finish on case in excellent condition save for a partial fracture in case bottom from the falling weight, the brass dial is in excellent condition with no oxidation, the pendulum rod is oxidized with a replaced rating nut and the silk screening is torn behind the intact fret work. Height 82 inches
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Winterhalder and Hoffmeier
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Winterhalder and Hofmeier, Neustadt, Baden, Germany, tall clock, retailed/ cased by Colonial Manufacturing Co., Zeeland, Mich. (signed on movement and on plaque inside of door) 8 day, 3-wt, quarter chime, Westminster tune on 5 tubes movement in Honduras mahogany case with brass rolling moon phase dial with strike and chime silent levers and signed "W. and H., Sch.", c1920 original finish on case in excellent condition save for a partial fracture in case bottom from the falling weight, the brass dial is in excellent condition with no oxidation, the pendulum rod is oxidized with a replaced rating nut and the silk screening is torn behind the intact fret work. Height 82 inches
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