German, Lenzkirch, open well mantel clock 8 day time only movement in intricately carved case with Rococo style bronze pendulum and bronze mounts, c1866
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the dove perched on top may be a replacement and the dial has some minor flaking near dial screws, but is otherwise in excellent original condition. The movement is serial number 360154. Height 16 inches
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Lenzkirch, open well mantel clock 8 day time only movement in intricately carved case with Rococo style bronze pendulum and bronze mounts, c1866 the dove perched on top may be a replacement and the dial has some minor flaking near dial screws, but is otherwise in excellent original condition. The movement is serial number 360154. Height 16 inches
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