Emilan Wehrle and Co, Trumpeter Clock Factory, Furtwangen, Germany, shelf flute clock, 8 day time, strike and 9-tube flute playing spring driven movement with choice of two tunes. The profusely carved case decorated with deer, squirrels, leaves and acorns
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has original finish, the side doors may be replacements but are as received by the current owner and the original carved crest is now glued to case with restoration on tail of squirrel The original pendulum has its sides trimmed. The movement was cleaned, complete and functional for the previous owner. Although we managed to get it to play, the new owner may need to have the clock adjusted to have it run properly again. Height 36 inches
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Wehrle, Emillian
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Emilan Wehrle and Co, Trumpeter Clock Factory, Furtwangen, Germany, shelf flute clock, 8 day time, strike and 9-tube flute playing spring driven movement with choice of two tunes. The profusely carved case decorated with deer, squirrels, leaves and acorns also has two carved and painted flautists appearing through doors, bottom of case front. The dial has outstanding and intricately carved bone hands and numerals, c1880 the case has original finish, the side doors may be replacements but are as received by the current owner and the original carved crest is now glued to case with restoration on tail of squirrel The original pendulum has its sides trimmed. The movement was cleaned, complete and functional for the previous owner. Although we managed to get it to play, the new owner may need to have the clock adjusted to have it run properly again. Height 36 inches
Clock types