Clocks- 2 (Two) Kundo German brass clocks under glass domes: 400 day and electronic, mid 20th century
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
The exposed brass has some wear and tarnish, but underneath the domes the works are bright. The 4 ball anniversary has a good multicolor dial, the other silvered dial looks worn. Both domes are intact. The electronically impulsed pendulum is driven by a special flat battery (absent) mounted in the base, but we did not test either movement, so sold as is. Hts 9" and 12 1/2"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Clocks- 2 (Two) Kundo German brass clocks under glass domes: 400 day and electronic, mid 20th century The exposed brass has some wear and tarnish, but underneath the domes the works are bright. The 4 ball anniversary has a good multicolor dial, the other silvered dial looks worn. Both domes are intact. The electronically impulsed pendulum is driven by a special flat battery (absent) mounted in the base, but we did not test either movement, so sold as is. Hts 9" and 12 1/2"
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