French brass and glass, 8 day, time and strike, crystal regulator, c1900
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the original lacquered surface has dulled, and all the glasses are flat, not beveled. The white porcelain dial is fine, the pendulum now has chrome cylinders in place of mercury, and the Japy Freres movement also has the H&H importer's stamp. Ht 11"
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Japy Freres et Cie
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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French brass and glass, 8 day, time and strike, crystal regulator, c1900 the original lacquered surface has dulled, and all the glasses are flat, not beveled. The white porcelain dial is fine, the pendulum now has chrome cylinders in place of mercury, and the Japy Freres movement also has the H&H importer's stamp. Ht 11"
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