French, for Tiffany and Co., 8 day, time and strike, brass and glass arch top crystal regulator, c1900
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the lacquered brass is somewhat worn and spotted, and there is tape residue on the bowed top. One beveled side glass has small edge chips, and the back door glass is flat. The multi-color porcelain dial has a hairline running through the 10. A mercury pendulum swings below the movement stamped Tiffany and Japy Freres. Ht 10.5"
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Tiffany and Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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French, for Tiffany and Co., 8 day, time and strike, brass and glass arch top crystal regulator, c1900 the lacquered brass is somewhat worn and spotted, and there is tape residue on the bowed top. One beveled side glass has small edge chips, and the back door glass is flat. The multi-color porcelain dial has a hairline running through the 10. A mercury pendulum swings below the movement stamped Tiffany and Japy Freres. Ht 10.5"
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