Gustav Becker, Germany, inlaid mahogany 8 day time and strike mantel clock, c1910
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the inlay and front area of burl veneer, and the shaped beveled glass lenticle for pendulum viewing, make this an attractive model. The enameled dial and thick convex beveled glass are fine. The movement has the Becker trademark, but the gong has the crossed arrows of the Hamburg American Co. The time mainspring needs replacement. Ht 12"
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Gustav Becker, Germany, inlaid mahogany 8 day time and strike mantel clock, c1910 the inlay and front area of burl veneer, and the shaped beveled glass lenticle for pendulum viewing, make this an attractive model. The enameled dial and thick convex beveled glass are fine. The movement has the Becker trademark, but the gong has the crossed arrows of the Hamburg American Co. The time mainspring needs replacement. Ht 12"
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