French cast brass, 8 days, time and strike, figural mantel clock, Japy Freres movement, c1880
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the ornate case retains a lovely old patina and shows no losses or damage. Both front and rear bezels have beveled glasses. The white enamel dial is fine but its retailer lettering has faded. The fancy pendulumÕs number matches the movementÕs. The signed ÒMedaille de BronzeÓ movement ticks and has rack-and-snail bell striking. Ht 13 1/2Ò
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Japy Freres et Cie
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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French cast brass, 8 days, time and strike, figural mantel clock, Japy Freres movement, c1880 the ornate case retains a lovely old patina and shows no losses or damage. Both front and rear bezels have beveled glasses. The white enamel dial is fine but its retailer lettering has faded. The fancy pendulumÕs number matches the movementÕs. The signed ÒMedaille de BronzeÓ movement ticks and has rack-and-snail bell striking. Ht 13 1/2Ò
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