Lenzkirch, Germany, polished cast brass, 8 days, time and strike, table clock, serial number 484549, c1871
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
this rare fancy clock has been brightly polished, and its cast metal dial has nice green accents. There is a faint pattern on the silver-color metal panels. There was never a front bezel and glass, but the rear hinged door is absent. The signed and numbered French style movement, with count wheel and bell striking, ticks robustly and strikes but was not tested long term Ht 19Ó
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Lenzkirch, Germany, polished cast brass, 8 days, time and strike, table clock, serial number 484549, c1871 this rare fancy clock has been brightly polished, and its cast metal dial has nice green accents. There is a faint pattern on the silver-color metal panels. There was never a front bezel and glass, but the rear hinged door is absent. The signed and numbered French style movement, with count wheel and bell striking, ticks robustly and strikes but was not tested long term Ht 19Ó
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