German, Gustav Becker, "Vienna Regulator" 2 weight, gong striking wall clock in a walnut veneer case with black finials and accents, c1890
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has been refinished and the top trim is newly copied from an original [better than most]. Pendulum bob has some dents, weights OK. Porcelain dial is perfect and with excellent Becker logo and original hands. Seems to tick and strike OK. Very decorative. Ht 44"
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Gustav Becker, "Vienna Regulator" 2 weight, gong striking wall clock in a walnut veneer case with black finials and accents, c1890 the case has been refinished and the top trim is newly copied from an original [better than most]. Pendulum bob has some dents, weights OK. Porcelain dial is perfect and with excellent Becker logo and original hands. Seems to tick and strike OK. Very decorative. Ht 44"
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