Lenzkirch, Germany, walnut, 8 days, two-train quarter-striking mantel clock for the English market, in a bell top style case and the composite dial with gilt trimmings, serial #920294, 1890
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the ornate case, with top carrying handle, has a smooth finish, rubbed and polished and the cast brass hardware has an old soft patina. The dial, with its silvered chapter ring, is brightly polished. The two-gong stand is present but needs to be reattached to the case bottom [removed for shipping]. The numbered and signed movement ticks and strikes quarters with two hammers (ting-tang style). Ht to handle top 16"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Lenzkirch, Germany, walnut, 8 days, two-train quarter-striking mantel clock for the English market, in a bell top style case and the composite dial with gilt trimmings, serial #920294, 1890 the ornate case, with top carrying handle, has a smooth finish, rubbed and polished and the cast brass hardware has an old soft patina. The dial, with its silvered chapter ring, is brightly polished. The two-gong stand is present but needs to be reattached to the case bottom [removed for shipping]. The numbered and signed movement ticks and strikes quarters with two hammers (ting-tang style). Ht to handle top 16"
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