Lenzkirch, Germany, model 676 "The Little Mermaid", walnut wall clock with profuse bronze decorations, 8 days, time and gong strike, serial #1Million, 219,792, c1899
excellent original condition; case and movement uncleaned; excellent satin patina on original finish. Details on this clock can be found in "Lenzkirch Clocks, the Unsigned Story", pages 214 and 110. The nick-name for the clock comes from the little mermaid on the weather-vane at top. George Everett writes that "this is one of the most ornate Lenzkirch models made". The movement with good trademark and well impinged serial #. Original pendulum, stabilizers, dial, hands, bracket and trim. The only minor shortcoming, and this is minor, is that the black wax has fallen out of the engraved dial numerals, and the numerals appear as a gold tone, rather than as black. Probably best to leave it as is; the black can be added at any time. Ht 43", 110cm.
Clock types