Lenzkirch, Germany, Symphonion, Musical Clock, style 25R, playing 30 cm disc, on the hour or at will, with sublime harmony double comb set, in a walnut wall case with turned drops, The time movements for these musical clocks were special ordered from
the top trim on this item is the same age as the case, and looks good, but probably from another antique German clock, as it is different from Bower's illustration. Case with old finish with minor scrapes and scratches, old repairs, drops replaced, a few small pieces of applied ornament replaced, minor chips and dings to lower and middle hawks bill molding, the mid molding also with a loss at the front right corner, upper left and right cornice with with horizontal splits below ogee molding, case sides with minor splits, one piece of carved trim at lower left side of upper door replaced, finial replaced, movement ticks, strikes, and music plays, upper comb missing one tooth, 52"h x 18"w. See George Everett "Lenzkirch Clocks The Unsigned Story", page 186 for a nearly identical clock (different top also). Refer to Bower's "Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments", page 219, for an engraving and additional details on this model.
Clock types