Emilian Wehrle, Germany, hanging Trompeteruhren, or Trumpeter Clock, walnut case with rustic carving, vines and leaves, the top with a large carved eagle, and the bottom also with rustic ornament, the trumpeter concealed behind plank doors, below the
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
case with repairs, refinished, top and bottom are well made, modern replacements, hands with repairs, mismatched, trumpeter in good condition, movement clean and functional, trumpeter assembly restored, weights replaced
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Wehrle, Emillian
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Emilian Wehrle, Germany, hanging Trompeteruhren, or Trumpeter Clock, walnut case with rustic carving, vines and leaves, the top with a large carved eagle, and the bottom also with rustic ornament, the trumpeter concealed behind plank doors, below the turned wooden dial with applied Roman numerals and carved bone hands, the bellows, wind chest, and pipes mounted above the two train, 30 hour movement with pierced brass plates, carved pendulum, and cast iron weights case with repairs, refinished, top and bottom are well made, modern replacements, hands with repairs, mismatched, trumpeter in good condition, movement clean and functional, trumpeter assembly restored, weights replaced
Clock types