Junghans, Wurttemberg, Germany, "Freischwinger" type wall clock, 8 days, time and strike, spring driven movement in an Alt Deustch walnut case with glazed window over pressed brass pendulum and surmounted by eagle. The dial is a cream enamel two part with
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case retains its original finish and the top two finials are replacements. There are two rosettes absent from the crest. There is a split above and below the dial on the door. The dial is in good condition. The clock ticks and strikes, but has not been fully tested.
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Junghans, Wurttemberg, Germany, "Freischwinger" type wall clock, 8 days, time and strike, spring driven movement in an Alt Deustch walnut case with glazed window over pressed brass pendulum and surmounted by eagle. The dial is a cream enamel two part with brass pressed center. the case retains its original finish and the top two finials are replacements. There are two rosettes absent from the crest. There is a split above and below the dial on the door. The dial is in good condition. The clock ticks and strikes, but has not been fully tested.
Clock types