Etienne Lenoir A Paris, France, cast brass and alabaster large 8 day time and strike mantel clock, Japy Freres Medaille D'Or movement with bell and count wheel
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the ornate case is intact with an old dull surface on the metal castings. The large white enamel dial is fine, as is the convex beveled glass. The lower rear case piece of white stone is loose. The suspension spring is absent, as is a part of the rate-adjusting suspension block. We do hear ticking, but the strike system is stalled. Fragile and heavy for shipping.
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Japy Freres et Cie
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Etienne Lenoir A Paris, France, cast brass and alabaster large 8 day time and strike mantel clock, Japy Freres Medaille D'Or movement with bell and count wheel the ornate case is intact with an old dull surface on the metal castings. The large white enamel dial is fine, as is the convex beveled glass. The lower rear case piece of white stone is loose. The suspension spring is absent, as is a part of the rate-adjusting suspension block. We do hear ticking, but the strike system is stalled. Fragile and heavy for shipping.
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