Lenzkirch. Germany, a small, walnut Freischwinger, the base with turned drop and pierced brackets supporting the open well with balustrade, pilasters, and more pierced, scrolled brackets, the door with caryatids, supporting the dental molded entablature,
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
veneer with minor losses, minor bumps and dings, projecting backboard ornaments flanking balustrade repaired, some applied brass ornaments loose, left side of clock case with split, door with splits visible only on the interior, turned bezel ring split, left return molding above door loose, all ornaments cleaned, pendulum cleaned, chapter ring with minor tarnish and pitting, movement dirty, oily, ticks and strikes, suspension spring broken, movement needs to be moved forward as the dial sits too far back from the door
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Lenzkirch. Germany, a small, walnut Freischwinger, the base with turned drop and pierced brackets supporting the open well with balustrade, pilasters, and more pierced, scrolled brackets, the door with caryatids, supporting the dental molded entablature, all surmounted by a scrolled, carved crest, the case replete with the incomprehensible riot of applied castings that this manufacturer is so well known for, Roman numeral silvered dial with gilt, repousse center, pierced, blued steel hands, signed, 8 day, time and strike movement, and faux gridiron pendulum with rococo ornament and central putto, serial #486761 veneer with minor losses, minor bumps and dings, projecting backboard ornaments flanking balustrade repaired, some applied brass ornaments loose, left side of clock case with split, door with splits visible only on the interior, turned bezel ring split, left return molding above door loose, all ornaments cleaned, pendulum cleaned, chapter ring with minor tarnish and pitting, movement dirty, oily, ticks and strikes, suspension spring broken, movement needs to be moved forward as the dial sits too far back from the door
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