Brocard, Comte, France, Comtoise clock, 8 day, time and alarm, weight driven movement with verge escapement, thread suspension with rear-hanging pendulum in a iron post and plate frame, brass chapter ring with engraved Roman numerals, brass alarm ring
The front of the clock is outlined with brass along the edges. Nicely made brass hand. The iron case parts and arbors have some surface rust. This clock has a somewhat smaller case than most. It is time only with the alarm components positioned on the right side. The suspension shroud measures 3.25 inches in height. The clock features a small, slightly offset bell. As with other early examples, the crown wheel is thin with shallow teeth. The crown wheel arbor support is nicely turned from iron. Many nice ornamental screws hold the case together. This clock has a truly unusual set of bevel gears that allow the time to be set with a key from the back or the side. The clock comes with an old weight, two small alarm weights, and a period pendulum with a ram's horn nut. Though there are only a handful of known examples, Brocard is regarded as one of the finest makers of Comtoise clocks of the Mayet period. Other examples list the maker's full name as "P. A. Brocard ".
Clock types