C.1851, J.C. Brown, Forestville, Conn, cottage clock with
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
applied ripple molding, with restoration. As in the previous lot, this model has the 1-day square movement signed Forestville Mfg. The clock retains original dial, hands, label and top tablet, however the bottom tablet is a new laser transfer on film, painted on the rear to appear as a reverse painting; a magnifier reveals it is not. The walnut case is refinished. Height 15 inches
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Brown, JC
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1851, J.C. Brown, Forestville, Conn, cottage clock with applied ripple molding, with restoration. As in the previous lot, this model has the 1-day square movement signed Forestville Mfg. The clock retains original dial, hands, label and top tablet, however the bottom tablet is a new laser transfer on film, painted on the rear to appear as a reverse painting; a magnifier reveals it is not. The walnut case is refinished. Height 15 inches
Clock types