C.1870, J. Smith and Sons, one train skeleton clock
Clerkenwell, England, for retailer H. Reynolds, New York,, an exceptional one train skeleton clock in a standard Smith's pattern with Lions on either side. Full details on Smith's operation can be found in both Royer-Collard, pages 51-57, and in British Skeleton Clocks, by Derek Roberts (1987), pages 126-135, and in particular a photo of this model shown on page 129. Note original chain, pendulum and dial are intact, and the clock is in running order. Interestingly the dealer had installed a small brass compass in the center of the stepped brass clock base. All wheels, including motion wheels are quality 5-spoke. The only minor shortcoming on this clock is the new dome which is a bit wavier than the old ones, but certainly fits OK and protects the clock from dust. Height of clock and base: 14"; with dome 19" Reserve $1250
Clock types