C.1915, Studio timepiece; E.F. Caldwell and Co. shelf clock
New York with Chelsea movement, a studio timepiece in the finest French fashion. The serial number of the movement is 102385, only nine numbers later than the movement in lot 416, and shipped to Caldwell at the same time. This is a very interesting clock of solid bronze, well gildedóour thought is that this was received as a wedding gift and the lady of the house felt it was too flashy, so took it back for a "paint job" which seems as old as the clock, and worn on all high spots and with many years of dirt. The background is a dark colonial blue, and the leaves, scrolls and rams heads are painted an off white. The case is beautiful from either front, side or back. The porcelain dial is signed prominently: Edw. F Caldwell and Co., New York, and with a long single hairline down the right side. A heavy and well made clock that can be appreciated as is or restored. Height 20 inches
Clock types