Remember, 2 weight Vienna regulator.
Serial No. on movement and base, No. 7628 and 100,000. Records for the company were lost but it is estimated it is ca 1880-1885. Remember was the largest clock manufacturer in Austria. They sold to Junghans in 1901. The name on the dial is "W. Kollmer, Wien", who was probably the sales agent for Remember. 8 day movement strikes half hour and hour on a gong, clock is running. Stick and bob have the same SN 7628. Post type movement mount, fixed pallet, one piece dead beat anchor. Porcelain beat scale, wall levelers, period brass weights. Good 2 piece porcelain dial, nice period hands. 51 inch walnut case with 3 good glasses, carved capitals and bases on the half columns. Interesting molding on top, super tapered tail with burl inlay. Nice top and finials but no doubt were added to this clock in the second century of its life. Ebony around the curved door glass. The case is heavier than the other Vienna's in this catalog.
Clock types