Large 8 day dial clock by "Brewster & Ingrahams, Bristol, CT, US", ca 1850.
20 inch glass dial, gold lettering. Typical Brewster & Ingraham ribbed movement, known as their "east-west" movement for gallery clocks, and is running well. The movement is signed just like line one. 25 inch oak case, 6 inches deep, replaced movement mounting blocks. You have to remove the dial to hang the pendulum. The glass dial is backed with green construction paper, surely not original. The bezel locks to the body of the case with metal turning in a slot to lock it. Flat dial under the flat glass in bezel. I can't vouch for the authenticity as B & I reportedly made cases up to 22 inches, and none in oak. Reference, "Handbook of Clocks Produced by B & I 1828-1852", by Bill Ultsch and Doug Cowan. Pages 37, 56, 66. Movement pictured, galleries described.
Clock types