Atkin's column clock
"Improved Clocks Made and Sold By R. & I. Atkins, Bristol, Conn", ca 1835-1837, then the firm bankrupt. This clock is an empire style, shorter than any I can find, at 30 inches high, and different from any in the books by Kenneth Roberts and Snowden Taylor. The only people who made a case with the full columns and the flat runners at the bottom, were Eli Terry and Silas B. Terry. It is known that the Atkins brothers bought and traded movements for cases, with the Terry's and others. 30 hour wood movement, iron bell, period weights, hands, pendulum and wood dial. Case has 2 doors, 3 glasses; top original, bottom repainted in the door, middle painted out of the door, both by Harold Klock, 1974. Most of the label intact. The mahogany veneer is very nice, 2 pieces repaired. The small lower glass can only be found in the earlier looking glass cases and reeded column cases, Ivory escutcheons and locks are good, no key.
Clock types