C.1820, Benjamin Morrill, Boscawen, NH, 8-day New Hampshire mirror timepiece.
This is a nicely constructed case using half blind dovetails. Maybe 75 years ago the case was painted white (now turned gray); we would suggest restoration over the white rather than trying to remove it. The gilt work on the columns is original but is showing wear. The painted tablet surrounding the dial is crude and incorrect. The mirror itself is old, with new pine backing. The original painted dial is in very good condition with a couple of chipped areas repaired. The signature has been strenghtened at letter W and B, but is 90% original. The clock has a "wheelbarrow" type movement that was known to have been made by Morrill. Someone as added a thin flange onto the winding barrel to prevent the cord form slipping off the drum. The timepiece has a nice set of period hands, and is basically a genuine Morrill clock. A picture of this movement can be found in "The American Clock" by Distin and Bishop, pg. 256, and also in Parson's book on New Hampshire clocks, figures 355-356 Height 30Ó $2,500-$3,000
Clock types