C.1770, English, John Day, Wakefield, 2-Fusee Mahogany Bracket clock pull quarter repeat on 6 bells, with restorations, and in need of some work.
The large and well made movement retains its original crown wheel, with damage (needs replacing), and verge. The rear plate of the clock with foliate engraving and fancy border, the pendulum similarly engraved. The repeat mechanism is original to the movement, tastefully planted above the strike train, the repeat spring assembly possibly replaced as there are 2 extra threaded holes in the backplate nearby. The hours are struck on a larger 7th bell. The plain silvered dial (appropriate for a provincial clock) is engraved with large chapter ring, and subsidiary rings for strike-silent and rise and fall [f/s] (most of the silvering has rubbed off). The mahogany case has home-made brass feet (appropriate bracket feet are available), and the door frets filled in with solid mahogany. A lot of potential here for the rigHeight person. Ht. 22.5Ó $2,750-$3,750
Clock types