Musical Scent Flask; Gold and enamel, emerald- and half pearl-set musical scent flask fitted with a watch with visible diamond-set balance, a carillon, and a mirrored compartment . Jaquet Droz, London, casemaker's mark "M&P", Geneva, made for the Chinese
The Musical Scent Flask, Jaquet Droz, London, casemaker's mark "M&P", Geneva, made for the Chinese market, circa 1790. Exceptionally rare and very fine gold and enamel, emerald- and half pearl-set musical scent flask fitted with a watch with visible diamond-set balance, a carillon, and a mirrored compartment . C. Front decorated with exceptionally fine engine-turned decoration with aperture for the dial and the balance, bezels set with emeralds and half pearls, small rectangular engraved base finished with alternating emeralds and half pearls, hinged bottom revealing the mirrored compartment, cylindrical top decorated with translucent green enamel leaves on matte background finished with a ring of alternating emeralds and half pearls, rocaille stopper decorated with emeralds and half pearls which also unscrews to reveal the key for the watch and the music, edges and sides with laurel leaf and flower decoration in translucent green, blue and white enamel and half pearls, the back decorated with flinque similarly to the front, a central medallion with a very finely chiseled lady reading under a tree in varicolored gold, both front and back panels are hinged to reveal the watch and the musical movement respectively. D. White enamel, radial Roman numerals, outer dots for minutes with five-minute Arabic markers. Gold "beetle and poker" hands. M. Shaped like a vase with two handles, gilt brass, fully engraved, going barrel, cylinder escapement with three-arm silver balance with diamond-set rim. Musical movement: going barrel also the pin drum, five hammers striking on 5-bell carillon, adjustable stop levers controlling the strength and the length of each tone, five-wheel train with the fourth one set in adjustable eccentric bushing as a governor. Signed on the movement, the stopper punched with the goldsmith's mark. Dim. 12 x 5 x 3 cm.
Clock types