English tall clock, ca 1815, by William Cooper, Hamilton
"W. Cooper, Hamilton", written in the dial arch. William Cooper was a clockmaker in Hamilton from 1808-1824. The 8 day movement is standard English, bell strike with the calendar drive intact, a strong running movement. The movement was made by, "Osborne's Manufactory, Birmingham", and so engraved on the iron false plate, which was the custom up to the early 1800's. Painted iron dial has withstood the test of time.Oak, broken arch case is 7 feet, 9 3/4 inches high, 22 inches wide. Brass finials are most likely replacements, but look old. Some mahogany trim and a light wood string inlay. The old case has had many repairs over its lifespan. The base of the case is new and well done. Most English tall clocks have new bases as many of them rested on dirt floors for many years. This is an old clock, with a good many years of reliable service left in her. "Grandfather Clocks & Their Cases", Brian Loomes, page 204-264. It explains how to date English Clocks to within 10 years.
Clock types