C.1887, English, Evans of B'ham, 2-Fusee skeleton clock,
architectural 3-plate frame in the form of St. James Palace, this model popularized at the golden anniversary of Victoria's reign. This is a well made clock with quality 6-spoke wheel work throughout; note delicate motion wheels. It strikes the hours on a deep toned cathedral gong, and the halves on the bell at top. The easy to read porcelain dial on this model is proper, as maker's tried to overcome the difficulty of telling time with the highly fretted dials. The dial is fitted to a third plate, complementing the style of the clock plates, and with a taller fretted arch to accommodate an ormolu statue of Queen Victoria herself in full regalia. Complete with glass dome (shown in detail view). Height of clock on base, 23 inches, with dome 25 inches
Clock types