Ansonia Clock Co. "Niobe", ca 1904.
Ansonia madethis clock and the Hanging Antique model, to compete with WaterburyÕs largeline of open well, Library clocks. This clock is 45 inches high, made ofoak, has an abundance of brass applied trim, a brass dial, twisted brassweights, and the cast brass pendulum with a scene that includes 4 cupidsand a lion. This Niobe is a good example of the Library type clock. The catalogsshow this model with a 10 inch silver dial, ours is brass with raised brassnumerals. The twisted weights are opposite twists of the wood twist columnsthat are on the upper and lower sections of the case body. The movement is8 day, gong strike on half hours and hours, chain pull up weights, and itis running. This is a model we seldom see, and is complete. Ly-Ansonia No. 577.
Clock types