Gustav Becker 2 weight Vienna Regulator, Serial Number No. 306052, ca 1882.
This is another outstanding Vienna that has been completely refinished end to end; 8 day movement cleaned and put in excellent running condition. It strikes hours, and half hours on a round coil gong. The grain in this walnutcase is exceptionally nice but the burl in the backboard really makes thecase special. It is very large at 51 inches high. The half columns have carvedcapitals and bases; there is also a little carving on the base. Allthe brass has been polished, porcelain beat scale and 2 piece dial is shiningand perfect. I wonÕt describe every little piece of the clock; I think youknow by now what I mean. The top is new (I challenge you to find a betterone anywhere) and the finials may be new. If he replaced a piece of woodanywhere else on any of his ViennaÕs I canÕt find it.
Clock types