Brewster and Ingrahams, Bristol, Conn. ca 1846-1850.
Four column Round Gothic (onion top) Clock 19-1/2 inch mahogany veneered case in exceptionally good condition for this style case. Normally the onion top ischewed up and the brittle finial tips are in trouble. The only negatives Isee are the needle tips of the 4 finials are clipped just slightly. The olddoor lock with ivory escutcheon is working and with a key. After 150 yearsof working the lock, there is some wear around the lock parts. Top glasshas the original putty, bottom held with wood strips, therefore assume areplaced glass although the right style for this clock. 8 day movement withstrike and alarm, both striking an iron bell. Original painted zinc dial, signed same as the label. The clock has been thru the appliance repair shop.Rather than fill the enlarged mounting block holes and put back normal screws, they bolted the mounting blocks to the case. References: Ly-Ingraham, pages58-59. "The Contributions of Joseph Ives to Connecticut Clock Technology, 1810-1862", by Kenneth D. Roberts, Revised Second Edition, pages 291-295.
Clock types