C.1845, Belden D. Bingham, Nashua, NH, jeweler's regulator in very good condition.
For detailed information on Bingham and for photos of the unique movements he made, see Nawcc Bulletin, for December 1975, pages 560 - 565. The 18 inch silvered brass dial is nicely engraved. The movement is stamped at the top of the front plate, "BDB", and is jeweled on the verge arbor + on the escape wheel, and both pallets are jeweled as well. At one time there was a reinforcement bar spanning the top of the plates, which is now absent (not critical to the operation of the movement). There is also maintaining power, and all of the wheels are nicely spoked, as is typical of Bingham's work. This clock came from Western Mass, near the New York border, so it is easy to accept that it has a NY style Gothic case. There have been some veneer repairs to the case, where the rear margin meets the wall. The top finials are missing, and the top curvature on the hood has been lowered around an inch to clear a ceiling (done long ago), also a chunk is missing from the lower left side of the hood. The mercury pendulum retains original thumb print jar (mercury will have to be picked up in Salem), plus a unique fine adjustment collar that has its own scale, to facilitate recording and making changes. Despite the need for some case work and some cleaning, this clock has a lot of potential, and does run as is. Height 95.5 inches
Clock types