C.1843, Ephraim Camp, Salem Bridge, Conn., 8-day time/strike, 2-weight shelf clock.
The refinished mahogany veneer case is in nice restored condition, exceptions noted. The veneer on the base and area around the lower door have been replaced. The three glasses are original with touchup to the paint. This is an unusual case as one normally finds these with a cornice top and not a carved crest. This original crest needs to be moved from its current position on the front to the top of the case. The top side returns are replacements, and could be improved. The bottom of the case has had holes cut to allow the weights to fall their full length (done long ago); our guess is that the original short weights got lost and clock needed the extra inch to make 7 full days running. The movement has been cleaned and is complete and sound. Height 32.5 inches
Clock types