American Attributed to Joachim Hill, Fleminton, N.J. Very Rare Inlaid Tall Clock,
Circa 1810 12 inches painted iron moon phase dial has a 16 1/2 inches arch, seconds bit and calendar, paper label on rear dial printed "Curtis/ Manufactory/Boston", 8-day, weight driven brass belt strike movement, well executed mahogany case of excellent proportions, beautiful high arch pediment with period brass finials, string and book matched inlay using holly and ebony woods in arch door panel and panel below door (oval), circular inlay panel on plinth with straight French bracket feet, case was probably produced by one of New Jersey's most respected cabinet makers John Tappen, Oliver Parcells, Matthew Egerton or John Scudder, extensive information on similar clocks is listed in the "Clocks and Watches of New Jersey" by William E. Drost, a nearly identical clock is owned by New Jersey Historical Society, case has old slightly crazed finish pediment all original condition with repairs. Height 94 inches
Clock types