C.1815, Aaron Willard, Massachusetts shelf clock in excellent original condition (except the original weight has been changed).
The case is of maple with white pine sub wood and has a top pillow and base molding ebonized with stenciled leaf decorations. Has gilt brass paw feet and turned wood back feet. The hood has two small gilt ball finials and the center with original ball and eagle finial. The case is die stamped number 154 in numerous places. Has 2 nice eglomise panels, the upper one marked "A. Willard, Roxbury", held in white pine frames with gold leaf and rope molding. The lower panel is a country scene; both panes appear original (some stabilizing from the rear & minor flaking). On the lower panel, the bottom piece of rope molding is missing. Movement is an 8-day timepiece, with original pendulum, dial, pulley and hands. The weight is now a later iron unit that works but could be changed if you have a lead one. This clock was sold in April 2003, and the owner is upgrading to 18th century items. An exceptional clock. Height 35 inches
Clock types