C.1865, Noah Pomeroy, Bristol, Conn., 8-day weight rosewood veneer timepiece in fair to good condition with an original crusty finish.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
The case will need attention as there is veneer loss on various areas of the case and the cornice top has lost all its veneer and moldings are missing from the base. The case houses a brass movement, similar to a banjo movement with front hung pendulum; has lantern pinions. The gilt rod pendulum and hands are original. The original painted dial has chips and loss. There is a very nice label in the bottom of the case. The timepiece has a weight from a different clock that works fine. Has some potential. Height 39 inches
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Pomeroy, Noah
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R.O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1865, Noah Pomeroy, Bristol, Conn., 8-day weight rosewood veneer timepiece in fair to good condition with an original crusty finish. The case will need attention as there is veneer loss on various areas of the case and the cornice top has lost all its veneer and moldings are missing from the base. The case houses a brass movement, similar to a banjo movement with front hung pendulum; has lantern pinions. The gilt rod pendulum and hands are original. The original painted dial has chips and loss. There is a very nice label in the bottom of the case. The timepiece has a weight from a different clock that works fine. Has some potential. Height 39 inches
Clock types